Single Channel Detectors | Sciencetech Inc.

Single Channel Detector

Sciencetech Single Channel Detectors

Detector Material and Spectral Region

Single channel detectors typically offer the smallest noise equivalent power (NEP values) and highest sensitivity levels. Single channel detectors are the best choice when you need to accurately measure extremely low light levels. Line and area detectors are typically used when measuring fast phenomena across multiple wavelengths (in a spectroscopic system).

Temperature Control

Some detectors can be temperature controlled or require cryogenics such as liquid helium or liquid nitrogen in order to be operable.

AC or DC Coupling

Some detectors are photoconductors and require modulated light in order to detect a signal. These types of detectors are listed as AC coupled. Generally, for AC coupled detectors a lock-in amplifier (LIA) or demodulator are required before measurements can be performed.

Detector Model Comparison

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Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 350-1100
Detector Size: 3.6 x 3.6mm
Gain (Fixed): 8 x 10 dB steps
Bandwidth Range: DC - 17MHz
NEP: 2.1x10^(-12) to 7.7x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)
In stock
Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 350-1100
Detector Size: 3.6 x 3.6mm
Gain (Fixed): 8 x 10 dB steps
Bandwidth Range: DC - 17MHz
NEP: 2.1x10^(-12) to 7.7x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)
650.00 650.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 350-1100
Detector Size: 0.8mm diameter
Gain (Fixed): 100kV/A
Bandwidth Range: DC - 50MHz
NEP: 6.5x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)
In stock
Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 350-1100
Detector Size: 0.8mm diameter
Gain (Fixed): 100kV/A
Bandwidth Range: DC - 50MHz
NEP: 6.5x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)
800.00 800.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 200-1100
Detector Size: 1.0mm diameter
Gain (Fixed): 10kV/A
Bandwidth Range: DC - 150MHz
NEP: 5.5x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)
In stock
Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 200-1100
Detector Size: 1.0mm diameter
Gain (Fixed): 10kV/A
Bandwidth Range: DC - 150MHz
NEP: 5.5x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)
632.00 632.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

This Broadband Thermopile Detector allows the measurement of infrared light in the 0.19 – 20 µm range. This detector has a 12mm diameter sensor, measures up to 3 W (0.5 uW NEP). Please note that this detector head requires either an external display controller or computer interface (such as the UNO-1, sold separately) to show the measured power. The price shown includes the detector head, post, post holder, and base only.

This thermopile is recommended for smaller light sources (collimated 500W arc lamps and below) and standard solar simulators (<5 Suns, <500 mW/cm2).
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This Broadband Thermopile Detector allows the measurement of infrared light in the 0.19 – 20 µm range. This detector has a 12mm diameter sensor, measures up to 3 W (0.5 uW NEP). Please note that this detector head requires either an external display controller or computer interface (such as the UNO-1, sold separately) to show the measured power. The price shown includes the detector head, post, post holder, and base only.

This thermopile is recommended for smaller light sources (collimated 500W arc lamps and below) and standard solar simulators (<5 Suns, <500 mW/cm2).
1,727.00 1727.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

4kW max average power, 100mm aperture, water-cooled. Doesn't require monitor, includes USB cable and PC-HP application software.

Sensitivity 0.4 mW/W,
rise time 7 sec,
spectral range 0.19-20um.
In stock
4kW max average power, 100mm aperture, water-cooled. Doesn't require monitor, includes USB cable and PC-HP application software.

Sensitivity 0.4 mW/W,
rise time 7 sec,
spectral range 0.19-20um.
7,911.00 7911.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

This Broadband Thermopile Detector allows the measurement of total broadband radiation emitted by a light source. It could also be used to measure the light power density on a surface (in W/cm2) which is particularly useful for uniformity measurements and for checking solar simulator performance. This detector has a 19mm diameter sensor and picks up all wavelengths between 190-11μm (UV-VIS-IR). Please note that this detector head requires either an external display controller or computer interface (sold separately) to show the measured power. The price shown includes the detector head, post, post holder, and base only. (1mW NEP).

This thermopile is recommended for high-powered light sources (such as focused 500W + arc lamps) and concetrator solar simulators (5 Suns +, 500 mW/cm2).
In stock
This Broadband Thermopile Detector allows the measurement of total broadband radiation emitted by a light source. It could also be used to measure the light power density on a surface (in W/cm2) which is particularly useful for uniformity measurements and for checking solar simulator performance. This detector has a 19mm diameter sensor and picks up all wavelengths between 190-11μm (UV-VIS-IR). Please note that this detector head requires either an external display controller or computer interface (sold separately) to show the measured power. The price shown includes the detector head, post, post holder, and base only. (1mW NEP).

This thermopile is recommended for high-powered light sources (such as focused 500W + arc lamps) and concetrator solar simulators (5 Suns +, 500 mW/cm2).
1,375.00 1375.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6 x 3.6mm)
Wavelength Range: 350-1100nm
Rise Time: 14ns
NEP: 1.6x10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 0.35nA
Junction Capacitance: 40pF
In stock
Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6 x 3.6mm)
Wavelength Range: 350-1100nm
Rise Time: 14ns
NEP: 1.6x10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 0.35nA
Junction Capacitance: 40pF
560.00 560.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Liquid Helium Cooled Bolometers are 10^2 to 10^4 (two to four orders magnitude) more sensitive than room temperature pyro-electric detectors
Liquid Helium Cooled 1.6K
5u - 2000u spectral range
Liquid Nitrogen required in outer jacket (dual stage cooling)
2.5 mm diameter diamond absorber
0.5" F/3.8 diameter condensing cone as input optics
Preamp circuitry generates +/-14V max
5" Diameter Dewar Included

Filterwheel Position #1 - Long pass 5micron cut-on
Position #2 - Wedged P13 filter (13micron cut-on long pass)
Position #3 - Wedged C103 filter (103 micron cut-on long pass filter)
Wedged Diamond window Diameter = 25.0mm

In stock
Liquid Helium Cooled Bolometers are 10^2 to 10^4 (two to four orders magnitude) more sensitive than room temperature pyro-electric detectors
Liquid Helium Cooled 1.6K
5u - 2000u spectral range
Liquid Nitrogen required in outer jacket (dual stage cooling)
2.5 mm diameter diamond absorber
0.5" F/3.8 diameter condensing cone as input optics
Preamp circuitry generates +/-14V max
5" Diameter Dewar Included

Filterwheel Position #1 - Long pass 5micron cut-on
Position #2 - Wedged P13 filter (13micron cut-on long pass)
Position #3 - Wedged C103 filter (103 micron cut-on long pass filter)
Wedged Diamond window Diameter = 25.0mm

54,340.00 54340.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Liquid Helium Cooled Bolometers are 10^2 to 10^4 (two to four orders of magnitude) more sensitive than room temperature pyro-electric detectors
Liquid Helium Cooled to 4.2K
Liquid Nitrogen required in outer jacket (dual stage cooling)
Response for 20~100um, with some sensitivity up to 300um
0.5" diameter condensing cone as input optics
Preamp circuitry generates +/-14V max
5" Diameter Dewar Included

See below for more specifications.
Liquid Helium Cooled Bolometers are 10^2 to 10^4 (two to four orders of magnitude) more sensitive than room temperature pyro-electric detectors
Liquid Helium Cooled to 4.2K
Liquid Nitrogen required in outer jacket (dual stage cooling)
Response for 20~100um, with some sensitivity up to 300um
0.5" diameter condensing cone as input optics
Preamp circuitry generates +/-14V max
5" Diameter Dewar Included

See below for more specifications.
34,340.00 34340.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Element Size: 1mm x 1mm sq.
Operating Wavelength: 2 – 13um
Wavelength Peak: ~12.0um
Wavelength Response: >= 13.0um (750cm-1)
D* (λp,10000,1) (cmHz1/2W-1): >= 4.0^10
Dewar Hold Time: 12 hours minimum with liquid N2
FoV/Window: 60 degrees/ ZnSe
Responsivity: >= 2000 (pk. (V/W))
Resistance: 20-100 ohms
Time Constant: ~1.0 usec
MSL-8 side looking metal Dewar 8 hour hold time
In stock
Element Size: 1mm x 1mm sq.
Operating Wavelength: 2 – 13um
Wavelength Peak: ~12.0um
Wavelength Response: >= 13.0um (750cm-1)
D* (λp,10000,1) (cmHz1/2W-1): >= 4.0^10
Dewar Hold Time: 12 hours minimum with liquid N2
FoV/Window: 60 degrees/ ZnSe
Responsivity: >= 2000 (pk. (V/W))
Resistance: 20-100 ohms
Time Constant: ~1.0 usec
MSL-8 side looking metal Dewar 8 hour hold time
2,935.00 2935.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Active Area: 100mm^2 (10 x 10mm)
Rise Time: 150ns
NEP: 1.5 x 10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2) @ 960nm
Dark Current: 200pA @ 5V
Junction capacitance: 380pF @ 5V
In stock
Active Area: 100mm^2 (10 x 10mm)
Rise Time: 150ns
NEP: 1.5 x 10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2) @ 960nm
Dark Current: 200pA @ 5V
Junction capacitance: 380pF @ 5V
320.00 320.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Rise/Fall Time: 10ns
Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6x3.6mm)
NEP: 1.2x10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 0.3nA
Material: Si
Junction Capacitance: 65pF @5V
In stock
Rise/Fall Time: 10ns
Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6x3.6mm)
NEP: 1.2x10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 0.3nA
Material: Si
Junction Capacitance: 65pF @5V
360.00 360.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6 x 3.6mm)
Rise Time: 10ns @20V
NEP: 1.2 x 10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2) @ 900nm, 20V
Dark Current: 20nA @ 20V
Junction capacitance: 40pF @ 10V
In stock
Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6 x 3.6mm)
Rise Time: 10ns @20V
NEP: 1.2 x 10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2) @ 900nm, 20V
Dark Current: 20nA @ 20V
Junction capacitance: 40pF @ 10V
320.00 320.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Rise/Fall Time: 14 ns
Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6 x 3.6mm)
NEP: 1.6E-14 W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 0.35 nA
Material: UV-enhanced Si
Junction Capacitance: 40pF @5V
In stock
Rise/Fall Time: 14 ns
Active Area: 13mm^2 (3.6 x 3.6mm)
NEP: 1.6E-14 W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 0.35 nA
Material: UV-enhanced Si
Junction Capacitance: 40pF @5V
360.00 360.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Rise/Fall Time: 45ns
Active Area: 100mm^2 (Diameter = 11.0mm)
NEP: 5.5x10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 1.0uA
Material: Si
Junction Capacitance: 1.75nF @0V
In stock
Rise/Fall Time: 45ns
Active Area: 100mm^2 (Diameter = 11.0mm)
NEP: 5.5x10^(-14) W/Hz^(1/2)
Dark Current: 1.0uA
Material: Si
Junction Capacitance: 1.75nF @0V
290.00 290.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

The NIR-PMT is contained in a thermally insulated, sealed-off housing evacuated to a high vacuum. Simple operation by air cooled TE cooler. It is a high sensitivity detector with a large detection area of 18mm for collimated light. It includes a HV power supply with interlock function.
Fast response time
Rise Time: 900 ps
TTS: 300 ps
This unit includes the housing, power supply, and detector components, but does not include mounting to a monochromator or sample chamber. Please include mounting separately.
In stock
The NIR-PMT is contained in a thermally insulated, sealed-off housing evacuated to a high vacuum. Simple operation by air cooled TE cooler. It is a high sensitivity detector with a large detection area of 18mm for collimated light. It includes a HV power supply with interlock function.
Fast response time
Rise Time: 900 ps
TTS: 300 ps
This unit includes the housing, power supply, and detector components, but does not include mounting to a monochromator or sample chamber. Please include mounting separately.
44,625.00 44625.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Photon counting head using 28mm dia. Side on PMT. Spectral response range 185nm - 850nm. Low dark counts in UV to near IR range.
For full technical specifications, please contact your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
Photon counting head using 28mm dia. Side on PMT. Spectral response range 185nm - 850nm. Low dark counts in UV to near IR range.
For full technical specifications, please contact your authorized Sciencetech technical sales staff member.
3,663.00 3663.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

The Sciencetech PMH-01 Photon Counting Module is self-contained compact unit incorporating PMT tube, high-speed amplifier, discriminator, and high voltage power supply. The output signal (train of pulses, the number of which corresponds to the number of detected photons) can be sent via a BNC connector, to an external counting/displaying circuit. The PMH-01 outputs digital signal (pulses) only. There is no analog output port.

The photon counting head used has low power consumption (max 0.5W). It is already adjusted for best S/N ratio. There is no additional adjustment necessary to start the operation.

Parameter Value
Operating Temperature Range +5 to + 40 °C
Storage Temperature Range -20 to +50 °C
Effective Area 4 x 6
Spectral Response 185 to 900 nm
Dark Count (Typical) 400 cps
Dark Count (Max.) 800 cps
Counting Linearity 2.5 Mcps
Pulse Pair Resolution 35 ns
Output Pulse Width 30 ns
Output Logic TTL, positive
Input Voltage +5 V
Input Current at 2.5 Mcps Output max. 80 mA
Output Signal Cable RG-174/U
In stock
The Sciencetech PMH-01 Photon Counting Module is self-contained compact unit incorporating PMT tube, high-speed amplifier, discriminator, and high voltage power supply. The output signal (train of pulses, the number of which corresponds to the number of detected photons) can be sent via a BNC connector, to an external counting/displaying circuit. The PMH-01 outputs digital signal (pulses) only. There is no analog output port.

The photon counting head used has low power consumption (max 0.5W). It is already adjusted for best S/N ratio. There is no additional adjustment necessary to start the operation.

Parameter Value
Operating Temperature Range +5 to + 40 °C
Storage Temperature Range -20 to +50 °C
Effective Area 4 x 6
Spectral Response 185 to 900 nm
Dark Count (Typical) 400 cps
Dark Count (Max.) 800 cps
Counting Linearity 2.5 Mcps
Pulse Pair Resolution 35 ns
Output Pulse Width 30 ns
Output Logic TTL, positive
Input Voltage +5 V
Input Current at 2.5 Mcps Output max. 80 mA
Output Signal Cable RG-174/U
4,000.00 4000.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

4 digits LCD displays high voltage output signal
BNC analog signal ouput
External high voltage control for the PMT (for computer control)
Six time constants switchable from a front panel control (from .01ms to 1sec.)
Zero adjustment control to cancel the effect of dark current and stray light
Adjustable gain 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 X
Includes power supply.
In stock
4 digits LCD displays high voltage output signal
BNC analog signal ouput
External high voltage control for the PMT (for computer control)
Six time constants switchable from a front panel control (from .01ms to 1sec.)
Zero adjustment control to cancel the effect of dark current and stray light
Adjustable gain 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 X
Includes power supply.
2,398.00 2398.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America

Multialkali high sensitivity side-on PMT
Spectral range: 185-900 nm,
Peak sensitivity wavelength: 400nm
Glass UV Envelope

Photocathode Area Size 8 x 24 mm
Photocathode Material Multialkali
Window Material UV glass
Dynode Structure Circular-cage
Anode to Cathode Voltage 1250 V
Average Anode Current 0.1 mA
Anode to Cathode Supply Voltage 1000 V
Luminous Sensitivity Min. 140 μA/lm
Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 250 μA/lm
Radiant Sensitivity Typ. 74 mA/W
Anode Luminous Sensitivity Min. 400 A/lm
Anode Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 2500 A/lm
Anode Radiant Sensitivity Typ. 7.4e5 A/W
Anode Dark Current (after 30min.) Typ. 3 nA
Anode Dark Current (after 30min.) Max. 50 nA
Time Response Rise Time Typ. 2.2 ns
Time Response Transit Time Typ. 22 ns
Multialkali high sensitivity side-on PMT
Spectral range: 185-900 nm,
Peak sensitivity wavelength: 400nm
Glass UV Envelope

Photocathode Area Size 8 x 24 mm
Photocathode Material Multialkali
Window Material UV glass
Dynode Structure Circular-cage
Anode to Cathode Voltage 1250 V
Average Anode Current 0.1 mA
Anode to Cathode Supply Voltage 1000 V
Luminous Sensitivity Min. 140 μA/lm
Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 250 μA/lm
Radiant Sensitivity Typ. 74 mA/W
Anode Luminous Sensitivity Min. 400 A/lm
Anode Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 2500 A/lm
Anode Radiant Sensitivity Typ. 7.4e5 A/W
Anode Dark Current (after 30min.) Typ. 3 nA
Anode Dark Current (after 30min.) Max. 50 nA
Time Response Rise Time Typ. 2.2 ns
Time Response Transit Time Typ. 22 ns
1,130.00 1130.0 USD
Price Valid only in North America
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