Material Testing | Sciencetech Inc.
Solar Simulation for Material Testing

Solar Simulators for Material Testing

Test the durability and performance of your products

Analyzing the durability of materials that are subjected to outdoor conditions, especially sunlight, can be an extremely important factor for most industries. Exposure to solar radiation speeds up the weathering process of most materials. Not just weathering, performance of products such as photovoltaics, consumer electronics, etc. can change drastically.

Materials with good light resistance are often required for products that will be kept or used outdoors for a periods of time. Therefore, characterizing such materials and products with outdoor exposure conditions has become an important task when trying to categorize weathering rates, performance effects and mechanisms of degradation.

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Accelerated Testing

Quality controlling processes and acceptance testing that undergoes stringent standardization often requires fast, reliable methods of evaluating the durability of products. Our solar simulators can provide accelerated solar radiation exposure worth of months within a few days. Imagine trying to keep your products and materials outdoors for a year to quantify and assess their degradation behavior.

With accelerated solar radiation, you can analyze the behavior of your products and standardize their performance inside a lab, faster and better.

Environmental Factors and Their Influence

We can also help simulate key degradation factors such as:

Temperature variability
Special UV exposure in UV A, B, and C ranges
Humidity and Moisture Control
Airflow Simulation

Our solar simulators can be used for a variety of testing and characterizations. Durability, aging testing, performance of various products and materials can be achieved with Sciencetech’s solar simulators

Construction and building materials testing
Consumer electronic performance testing
Color fading and color changing of materials
Emission, aging, and durability testing of textiles, plastics, etc.
Durability of and wear-down of photovoltaic devices, solar collectors, and reflectors
SPF testing for sunscreens, cosmetics, lotions, etc.
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UV Light Simulations

Our solar simulators are often used to test the effects of UV exposure. Most products get significantly affected by the UV wavelengths of the sun’s radiation. Sciencetech can specifically design solar simulators that produce UV wavelengths in the region of 280-400nm, with the correct ‘dosage’ to test the effects of UV degradation in products in varying outdoor conditions.

Changes in the conditions of the earth

Often arid and harsh conditions on the earth’s equatorial or Polar Regions with extremely high or low temperatures and moisture levels can provide drastic effects on your product’s performance and weathering levels. Therefore, simulating these changing variabilities and sun’s radiation can be accomplished with Sciencetech’s solar simulator and environment simulation systems.

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