9057F - Computer controlled 1/2m Monochromator, Fast Version | Sciencetech Inc.

9057F - Computer controlled 1/2m Monochromator, Fast Version

The Sciencetech 9057F is a fast half meter motorized Czerny-Turner monochromator (and spectrograph) with an f/5.9 aperture. This is a "faster" model with larger optics for higher light throughput compared to the standard 9057 with f/8 aperture. Both models utilize a computer controlled motorized turret for automatic grating and wavelength selection. The regular 9057 model supports up to three 50 x 50mm gratings whereas the larger optics 9057F model supports up to two 64 x 64mm (clear aperture) gratings.
Please refer to the technical datasheet for more specifications.

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8,562.00 8562.0 USD


SKU: 120-9042

Price Valid only in North America

SKU 120-9042


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