Software, Sci-Spec | Sciencetech Inc.


Software, Sci-Spec

SciSpec is a fully featured Windows application specifically designed to control Sciencetech stepping monochromators. SciSpec is designed to control and coordinate the operation of Sciencetech modular spectroscopy components. These include:
• stepping monochromators
• motorized filter wheels for a long pass, bandpass, short pass, or neutral density filtering
• motorized beam path selection mirrors
• beam line modulators such as motorized iris or chopper
• detectors and data acquisition components such as A/D boards, lock-in amplifiers, and source meters.
• linear diode arrays
• sources such as research arc lamps, LED, and incandescent light sources

Generally, all the components in a modular spectroscopy system must be configured by wavelength to optimize the system operation. SciSpec stores and reads system configurations to provide an optimized system operation and user experience.

Requires Windows 7/10 64bit operating system

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610.00 610.0 USD


SKU: SOFT-0103

Category: Software

Price Valid in USD and only in North America

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Name Software, Sci-Spec


SCIENCETECH has built a reputation on custom solutions. Whether you need a small modification to an existing system or a completely novel design built from the ground up to meet your technical specifications, Sciencetech's engineering and optical design teams are ready to help.

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