(IRE-12) Coiled Filament Infrared Emitter (1um - 30 um), 8W IR Source | Sciencetech Inc.


(IRE-12) Coiled Filament Infrared Emitter (1um - 30 um), 8W IR Source

The IRE-12 a coiled filament operating at approximately 900 degrees Celsius when powered with 10 watts. The radiating element is a coil of resistance wire which has a high emissivity in the Infrared spectral region. The coil is supported by a grooved cylindrical substrate of alumina, resulting in the windings being electrically insulated from each other. This contributes to a more uniform radiating source. The unit does not require operation in a sealed atmosphere. The header is fabricated from cold-rolled steel. The support pins are hermetically sealed in glass.

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263.00 263.0 USD


SKU: 188-8061

Category: Accessories / Parts

Price Valid in USD and only in North America

Additional Information

SKU 188-8061
Name (IRE-12) Coiled Filament Infrared Emitter (1um - 30 um), 8W IR Source
Spectral Range Infrared
Ozone Production Ozone Free
Lamp Power Up to 75W
Lamp Type Infrared


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