Zahner NProbe Noise Probe | Sciencetech Inc.


Zahner NProbe Noise Probe

The Noise Probe is a low power potentiostat for the ZENNIUM-series potentiostats and is specially designed for all common electrochemical noise techniques. In addition Zahner developed CorrElNoise®. This revolutionary new method is superior to common ECN techniques as it measures the current and voltage noise in (quasi-)parallel condition by fast switching between the open circuit potential and short circuit conditions.

The Noise Probe can carry out different kind of measurements which are listed below.

-Open circuit potential noise (OCPN)
-Potentiostatic controlled current noise (PCCN)
-Galvanostatic controlled potential noise (GCPN)
-Uncorrelated current & potential noise (UCPN)
-Correlated electrochemical noise (CorrElNoise®)

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SKU: 850-0211

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SKU 850-0211


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