Amplified Photodetector (350-1100nm) | Sciencetech Inc.


Amplified Photodetector (350-1100nm)

Material: Si
Wavelength Range: 350-1100
Detector Size: 0.8mm diameter
Gain (Fixed): 100kV/A
Bandwidth Range: DC - 50MHz
NEP: 6.5x10^(-11) W/Hz^(1/2)

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800.00 800.0 USD


SKU: 582-4006

Price Valid in USD and only in North America

Additional Information

SKU 582-4006
Name Amplified Photodetector (350-1100nm)
Spectral Region 89,87,88
Active Area (diameter or square) 10+mm
Active Area (diameter or square) 10+mm
Temperature Control Non-cooled
AC or DC Coupling DC Coupled
Single or Multichannel Single
Detector Type 122
Spectral Range (nm) 350 - 1100
Detector Material 240
NEP 6.5 E^-11
Detectivity (cm-Hz^1/2/W) not applicable
Responsivity 0.56 A/V


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